How To Install Bale Breaker
Bale Beaker, mainly used to deal with the bulked waste paper and remove some small impurities to reduce the wear of following equipment. And how to install Bale Breaker?
1. Arrange the equipment and design the foundation according to the technological requirements. The full load weight of the equipment is about 45 tons.
2. Civil construction is carried out according to the size of the equipment foundation, and the height of the foundation can be adjusted appropriately according to the equipment layout and operation requirements.
3. Install supporting wheel device. During installation, the elevation and position of the supporting wheels should be ensured to be correct, and the center distance of each pair of supporting wheels should be adjusted to 2150 m M. After installation, the levelness of the supporting wheels and the parallelism between the supporting wheels should be corrected separately. The errors of water mobility and parallelism should not be greater than 0.1 mm/m.
4. Install bulk drum and feeding hopper. The feeding hopper is installed in front of the bulk drum, and the gap between the bulk drum and the bulk drum is 15-25 mm. When installing, the bulk drum should be rotated slowly, and no rubbing with the feed hopper should occur.
leizhan produce good Bale Breaker For many years, and we can adjust capacity as your demand. If you need any paper or pulp machine, welcome to contact us.